For Strength does not come from physical capacity, It comes from an indomitable Will.
The term Indomitable means to be Strong, Stubborn, Tough, Invincible, Not easily discouraged, Unyielding and Unconquerable.
These challenges produce positive growth. That is, if we’re willing to embrace the Lessons in Life. If you’re facing a seemingly, hopeless battle, don’t give up! God promises that the good seeds and deeds you sow will yield results in His time. By remaining faithful, keep up your good works to the one who has called you.
Galatians 6:9
"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."
Romans 8:24-25
"For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it."
Romans 8:28
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
When the seed of the Chinese bamboo tree is planted, it is watered and fertilized regularly. During the first four years, there is no visible growth. However, during the fifth year when it finally emerges from the ground, it grows to a height of ninety feet in just six weeks.
“Pretty amazing, Huh?”
Well Plant experts say, that during its first four years in the soil, the bamboo seed is building an elaborate root system. It is this root system that enables the Chinese bamboo to grow ninety feet in order to stand strong and sturdy, all in just six weeks.
Personal growth, like the bamboo, is not a sudden change. Every minute of each hour, your natural purpose is growth mentally, spiritually and physically. Every event and experience in your life adds to your personal growth. When you are faced with daily obstacles and experiences, look on them as a source of growth and positive change. There is always a lesson you can take from the experience and use it to grow. The next time your confronted with a difficult situation, choose to take what is positive and use if for obtaining, personal growth.
However, most of us would not “deliberately,” choose the difficult circumstances that bring growth, in which would assist us towards learning to trust, obey and follow God. So, in His perfect wisdom he will often lead us into those troublesome conditions, which can strengthen our faith.
God uses these experiences to teach us all “Spiritual Lessons.” Perhaps, many of us could learn no other way! Therefore, we don’t praise Him like we ought.
“Constant grinding, can turn an iron rod into a needle.”
You know, there is a great difference between successfulness and fruitfulness. Success comes from strength, control and respectability. A successful person has the energy to create something, to keep control over its development, and to make it available in large quantities. Success brings many rewards and often fame. However, fruits come from weakness and vulnerability. And fruits are unique. A child is the fruit conceived in vulnerability, community is the fruit born through shared brokenness, and intimacy is the fruit that grows through touching someone else’s wounds. Let’s remind one another that what brings true joy and happiness is not successfulness but rather fruitfulness. We all have some regrets about the past and try to forget our sins and mistakes. Criticism arises when what we experience doesn’t match up with what we want or expect. When we’re critical it means we are judging others and finding them lacking. Who are you criticizing? Is it your partner, a friend, a loved one or perhaps yourself? Are your standards fair? How would it feel to soften and accept that everyone has his or hers own strengths and weaknesses?
The important thing to realize is that criticism feeds on itself and creates a negative spiral. When we feel critical we have locked ourselves into an isolated position where we make the other person our enemy. They don’t do or say what we want them to. They look wrong, act wrong, are wrong. We become the blamer.
By making the other person totally in the wrong there’s nowhere to go to make things better. If you judge someone’s behavior as inappropriate or not fitting with your own values you can deal with this without being critical. Accept it, confront it, talk about it, own it but don’t just criticize or attack. When we get to a critical place in our relation-ships or with ourselves we need to recognize that it causes more harm than good. Love works best when we’re on the same side. If either of you wins, the relationship loses, so take some time out to look at what’s going on underneath. Behind every criticism there’s a need. What do you need right now? What would you ask for if you weren’t so busy being tough on someone else? Ask and you will receive, as long as you do it without judging the giver. Start looking after yourself more carefully and take responsibility for your resentments at a much earlier stage. If you really are being treated badly, stop criticizing and do something about it! Life and love are a lot more fun than you’re letting them be, so now is the time to make positive adjustments accordingly. We know that we can’t change what happened yesterday.
We can learn from yesterday’s mistakes, and with God assisting us, we can use that knowledge in making an “Exceptional Tomorrow.”
In His Grip,
Pastor Wendy Schenkel