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Writer's picturePastor Wendy Schenkel

Season of Waiting..

Hello 👋 😁 & Welcome!

Today’s message is before a Miracle Manifestation arrives as it’s more about how we behave while we are waiting that will determine the outcome.

Psalm 46:10 is one of those scriptures that gives believers assurance of the omnipotent nature of God. We serve a most reliable and dependable God who is closer to us than we can ever imagine. He is our refuge and our sovereign God. “Be Still” signifies to be quiet. We are to Remain calm as God takes His place and the earth trembles under His Glory.

A Prayer of Blessing:

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.”

These amazing words, found in the book of Numbers, were given by God to Aaron to speak a blessing over the people of Israel. Thousands of years later, this blessing is still spoken to Church congregations around the world. These words are an amazing reminder of the promises God wants to do in our lives each day and in every new season we encounter.

The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord alone can truly bless us and keep us safe. He is the one who blesses us with health, finances, and peace. He also blesses us as he keeps us, holds us, and comforts us in our times of despair and sorrow.

The Lord make his face to shine upon you: The Lord is looking at you. He sees you. He will show His favor towards you as he fills your life with peace and blessings. Just as the warmth of the sun's rays shines on your face, flooding you with warmth, the Lord shines his face on you to warm you with his love. We are forever changed by his light.

And be gracious to you: This amazing phrase tells us that God is forgiving, merciful, and compassionate. Our sins should put distance between us and God, but through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our sins have been forgiven, and we draw close in fellowship with Him. God sees us as we are and yet He still loves us unconditionally. He has so much compassion on the heartbreaking things you are walking through today.

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you: These powerful words tell us God is near enough that you can see Him and His hand at work in your life. He isn't surprised about your situation you are facing. In fact, God knows it in great detail. He is in full control, has an eternal plan and purposive Will to get you through it for His glory because God is sovereign, and He will accomplish what He has set out to do from the very beginning. Isaiah 48:8-11 says, “Yea, thou heardest not; yea, thou knewest not; yea, from that time that thine ear was not opened: for I knew that thou wouldest deal very treacherously, and wast called a transgressor from the womb. For my name's sake will I defer mine anger, and for my praise will I refrain for thee, that I cut thee not off. Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction. For mine own sake, even for mine own sake, will I do it: for how should my name be polluted? I will not give my glory unto another.”

And give you peace: Perfect peace will flood your heart, your mind, and your day as you embrace the blessings and favor of the Lord. This is perfect peace. This peace allows you to overcome all obstacles in your life. This peace is a gift given to you by your Heavenly Father!

John 14:27

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

This peace that Jesus was talking about means rest, quiet or a stillness in your heart. It is not the absence of trouble, but it exists in spite of trouble. This peace pushes through all the disturbing circumstances that life can throw at you.

The peace offered by the world is an empty promise and can only bring temporal happiness. God's peace is a permanent peace offered by the only One who can be trusted to keep his Word and heal our hearts.

John 16:33

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

There are only ten places in Scripture where the word “cheer” is used, eight times “good cheer” is used and only seven places the command, “be of good cheer” is used. The word “cheer” in English means: make happier, brighten, buoy up, enliven, exhilarate, hearten, gladden, uplift, perk up, boost, encourage, inspirit.

The message of John in this passage is about inner peace and the victory Christ gives His followers who rely on Him when faced with hardships. Jesus knows we cannot overcome them on our own so He assured us His peace and His victory will triumph over times of darkness and uncertainty.

“The LORD will go before YOU in All things; You need ONLY To Be Still and thou shall see the hand of the Lord, thy God.”

In His Grip,

Pastor Wendy Schenkel

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