A word resonating in my Spirit. A blessing of Hope for the month of May 2021.
Dear Friends,
Seek God with your whole heart because he does have a good plan for your life. If you will do your part, he will do his as we are in partnership with Him.
Too many people fail because they think it's done through there own hands, ideas & ambitions but God has the power to unlock any door you want to walk through. Praise him for his mighty acts and while your waiting start thanking him for ordering your footsteps and surprising your life with things you never thought possible! Whatever God orders, he pays for and things up to this point might have not materialized the way you wanted. So, what! When we are disappointed in life, that is God’s perfect opportunity to show up and reappoint our lives into something amazing because in His time he makes all things beautiful. I declare through the power of God's word that this Month of May is A season of change. A season of Hope. A season of Joy! A season of Expectancy! That you are a whosoever Will and if you will act in obedience according to God's word it is under His Authority that he will bless you and not withhold any good thing from you. If you're stuck in life, get unstuck. Change your thoughts about yourself as that isn't how God perceives you. Those are lies from Satan to keep you bound and under his thumb! You are enough because He is more than enough. Know who you are in & through Christ. Take back everything the devil has stolen from you. He has been ordered to not only give it back but has been penalized a restoration of 100 fold x's 7 with interest for all the years he has played havoc in the lives of God’s people. You haven’t lost any time as God is the father of time and has added extra years to your life.
Child of God you are blessed and from your mother’s womb God has already equipped you for success with your God given talents and abilities. We limit God thinking not me and God is saying, Why not you! I lay before you death & life. Choose life! God gave us the answer and all we have to do is embrace the word, for He is the word. He died to give us an abundant life. And Satan came to destroy it but you have power & authority over the works of Satan. You can begin today, by taking everything God has made available unto you. He desires to give you His crown of victory in your lives.
In His Grip,
Pastor Wendy Schenkel