Hello 👋 😁 & Welcome!
Today’s Word is about getting set free from the clutches of The Jezebel Spirit, learning the difference between The Spirit of Leviathan, Religious Spirits and knowing how these three demons operate as they attach themselves with each other. Therefore gaining strength and supernatural power.
Matthew 6:24
”No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
Jesus teaches that people cannot love both God and wealth. They must choose one or the other. We can do what God commands, which is to serve and love others, or we can love the things of the world and obey what its lusts has to offer. There is pleasure in sin for a time and a season but there is also accountability for these sins. Many times we do not take into deep consideration of the consequences but there is a day of reckoning.
“Whatever we water grows and that principal in the natural also typifies the spiritual. In essence, what we accept and allow we will eventually tolerate but that is simply done by choice as God has made away of escape for us.
Power Thought 💡
We often yield to threats when someone hurts us as we allow our emotional state to get the better of us. Instead of seeing Satan working through a person in human form as he needs a vessel to occupy. Remember, God has a plan for your life and so does Satan. It’s about who you submit your body to. And if you fail, as we sometimes do, get up, repent and ask God to help you and he surely will. “Growth & Expansion shall be your portion and that is the Word of the Lord.” 🕊
The common goal in all three spirits, is to undermine power and authority by preventing the work of the Holy Spirit. The religious spirit denies and resists the power of the Holy Spirit. The Leviathan Spirit seeks to kill and devour The Holy Spirit. The Jezebel Spirit seeks to counterfeit the Holy Spirit and tries to get you to defile yourself on the inside and outside by disqualifying you for ministry. She sows seeds of discord inside the churches and ministries. She hates God’s ministers. She claims to be religious. She falsely accuses the Godly. She refuses to accept guilt and exploits a sense of entitlement. She uses seduction as a weapon to control and coils herself around sexual partners to gain power through manipulating others. She is never wrong, and if you contradict, confront or challenge you are a target of her fiercest venom. She will stop at nothing to destroy your reputation and She is also the bride of Lucifer. The word subvert in the Strong’s Concordance means to overturn, overthrow and to cause the downfall, bring down, defeat the ministry and her household with her perverted way of thinking, her wrong mindset, and teachings.
It is a strong conviction that God works (only) in a particular way. It is any mind-set or attitude that says, “It must be done this way.” Sometimes we can be (Spiritually Blinded) to the presence and work of The Holy Spirit. The Jezebel Spirit seeks to counterfeit the Holy Spirit by influence and control. This is not gender specific, though women are more prone but men are not exempt. Remember, it’s whoever we yield our bodies to that we become either a servant for Christ or a slave to Satans devices. A slave that loves his chains, can never be set free.
Operating In A Jezebel Spirit: •The Jezebel Spirit, has a need to be right and if you oppose it’s hell to pay as she will manifest until she gets her way. You combat this manifestation through God’s Word. •The Jezebel Spirit, is Deceptive, able to adapt; says one thing to one person, changes the story to another causing division and quarreling. •The Jezebel Spirit, Manipulates people and conversations to go her way. •The Jezebel Spirit, is in a constant state of confusion, doubt and has no peace within. •The Jezebel Spirit, Counterfeits the Prophetic, is an imposter and false prophet. •The Jezebel Spirit, is overly focused on supernatural to draw attention to themselves. •The Jezebel Spirit, is often linked to familiar spirits, double personalities & schizophrenia. •The Jezebel Spirit, has a stronghold of Sexual advances, temptations and sexual sins. •The Jezebel Spirit, Degrades, mocks Holiness and dresses in a way to get attention. •The Jezebel Spirit, can carry a spirit of Defilement as well as an Unclean Spirit. •The Jezebel Spirit, Does not honor authority and criticizes behind closed doors. •The Jezebel Spirit, Feels superior and a right to Judge and belittle others. •The Jezebel Spirit, is prone to jealousy, retaliation and is extremely envious. •The Jezebel Spirit, wants to instruct, control and reproduce themselves through others. •The Jezebel Spirit, is very ambitious, self-promoting and lies on others to get ahead. •The Jezebel Spirit, is also a spirit of perversion and seducing spirit. Characteristics of Legalism: LIE: Spiritual maturity has to be earned and proven. TRUTH: I am growing in the Lord, not by my works, but by the Grace of God. Declaration of Truth: “I renounce the Spirit of Legalism. I renounce the lie that I have to follow rules to be acceptable to God. I renounce my critical attitudes towards those who don’t do things the way I think they should be done. I renounce any standard I have set that is not from the heart of Jesus. I renounce my idolatry in putting rules or patterns above the working of the Holy Spirit. Forgive me, Jesus, for allowing these lies to penetrate my heart and spirit. Cleanse me now and pour your grace upon me that I might live by faith and not by sight.” Rebellion Against Authority: Lie: I can’t trust God. TRUTH: As I submit to the spiritual authorities in my life, God will bless me and release my full inheritance in Christ. It Aways Starts with Forgiveness: “Lord, I choose to forgive (so-and-so) for hurting me as a spiritual authority in my life. I further choose to forgive and release them from any obligation to me. I also choose to forgive any church, denomination or movement (name it) that has caused me pain and disappointment. Please forgive me for holding on to this offense and the roll I played. I choose to BLESS them and sever any soul ties connected to this OFFENSE against them, in the might name of Jesus’ it is done, Amen.”
Declaration of Truth: “I renounce the Spirit of Rebellion. I choose to submit to the leadership of Christ. I renounce my rebellion towards authority, either civil, in the home or in the church. I renounce and lay down control of my life. I confess my stubbornness and any unwillingness to yield to the authority God has placed me under. Jesus, forgive me for criticizing those in authority over me and questioning their place. I confess that I have been rebellious towards them. Please forgive me, Lord and cleanse my heart.” 🖤🤍 “I declare according to (Romans 6:11-14) I am dead to sin, but alive to God through Christ Jesus. I will not let the sin of rebellion against authority reign in my body so that I obey its evil desires. I offer myself to God as an instrument of righteousness. Sin will not be my master because I am not under the law, but under grace. Thank you, Jesus, for your unconditional love and acceptance of me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” “According to Psalm 51, create in me a pure 💖 heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the JOY of my salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” PROCLAMATION of The DIVINE EXCHANGE: •Jesus was punished, that we might be forgiven. •Jesus was wounded, that we might be healed. •Jesus was made sin with our sinfulness, that we might be made righteous with His righteousness. •Jesus died our death, that we’ll receive His life. •Jesus endured our poverty, that we might share His abundance. •Jesus bore our shame, that we might share His glory. •Jesus endured our rejection, that we might have His acceptance with the Father. •Jesus was made a curse, that we might enter into the blessing. •Jesus was cut off by death, that we might be joined to God eternally. •Our old man was put to death in Him, that the new man might come to life in us. Prayer of Confession: “My body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed and sanctified by the Blood of Jesus. My members, the parts of my body, are instruments of righteousness, yielded to God for His service and for His glory. The devil has no place in me, no power over me, no unsettled claims against me. All has been settled by the Blood🩸of Jesus. I overcome Satan by the Blood of the Lamb 🐑 and by the word 🗣 of my testimony, and I love not my life unto death. My body is for the Lord and the Lord is for my body.” In Jesus’ name, Amen!” In His Grip, Pastor Wendy Schenkel