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Writer's picturePastor Wendy Schenkel

“Discerning forms of Witchcraft”

Updated: May 28, 2022

Hello 👋 😁 & Welcome!

If you're joining us for the very first time, I want you to know that you're an answer to our prayers. We're so proud of you as it takes courage and determination to make such a bold decision. I can tell you that you've come to the right place as you're looking for answers and it's no mistake that you are here today but by a divine connection. No matter where life finds you right now you should know we are all in an imperfect state and God knew exactly what he was getting when he called us into a relationship with him. You are no surprise to him and he loves you unconditionally. Whatever has taken place in your lives up to this point is forgiven and under the blood of Christ. Sometimes the hardest part is learning to forgive ourselves. So, embrace God's love for you as you start with a clean slate. This time you have experience and are better equipped to the strategies of Satan's tactics. He studies us all the time learning our likes and dislikes but we never study him but that's about to change. God isn't nearly as interested in perfection as he is in obedience. We try our best to do good in our lives and trust

He will workout all the rest. So, don't ever feel like you don't matter as we are all instruments to be used for a greater purpose. God will do the unseen work that is necessary in each one of us and if you will do what you can, God will do the things in which you cannot do.

Dear Friends,

I feel compelled by the leading of the Holy Spirit to expose the Spirit of Witchcraft and how to identify the Jezebel Spirit as she is overpowering Christian believers, bringing division in the Church, Splitting up marriages and operating through people both knowing and unknowing. And finally, how to recognize Witches as we are not ignorant of their existence.

Many of you have asked the question in your minds, How do I know when someone is operating in Witchcraft? And how do I recognize a Witch? In Western society, we think of them as flying on a broomstick, black cats and someone who has a Cauldron. Perhaps even something a little more primal like a bone through their nose but how can you know for sure when someone is practicing Witchcraft?

Witchcraft is the practice of what the practitioner (Witch) believes to be supernatural skills and abilities, such as the casting of spells and the performance of demonic spirits and magical rituals. Witchcraft is a broad term that varies culturally and societally, as this can be difficult to define with precision. An evil soul-tie is actually a form of witchcraft. Witchcraft is Spiritual. It is essentially defined as one person being dominant over another person through manipulation, fear, intimidation and control. Unhealthy soul ties between individuals are often forms of witchcraft, to varying degrees.

For example, if I were exercising witchcraft on you, I would be attempting to get you to do my will by a power that is not the Holy Spirit. The power involved is, in the best light, a form of psychic or soulish power, and is at worst satanic or demonic. Satan is the author of bondages and is thrill seeking to see people restricted, tormented, feeling helpless and hopeless. Because when Satan can control your mind, will, emotions and thinking power he has you under his thumb as this brings him a sick form of pleasure. Satan’s heart desire was to be God and overthrow his Kingdom and we read that in Revelations Chapter 12, in reference to “The War In Heaven,” and it’s been a battle ever since with good versus evil.

A few years back I was confronted by a Witch at a job post I accepted. I was warned first hand of who she was and the thought alone gripped my heart but what I discovered is she was a person just like me. This woman had been hurt in life and reached that point of crossing over to the dark side. As we stood in the parking lot she opened her trunk and fed all the stray cats in the area. We can make many assumptions but there was not one black cat present. In fact, the more I spoke with her the more I realized she just loved cats and wasn't scary at all but a precious soul walking around wounded, living with deep scars that had not yet been healed. I declared a word of justice over her life as she wasn't living at her full God given potential. He is the redeemer of time and has the authority and power to add time to your life for lost years. We were made to be healthy, healed, whole, nothing missing and nothing broken.

So, come out of that place of guilt and condemnation as people do one of two things: Align their will in accordance to Satan or Under the Authority of God’s headship. She did not know how to handle her conflicting issues with rejection, betrayal, feelings of abandonment and her life’s disappointments. Yet, we all struggle to get our emotions under subjection when we feel we are being mistreated. We’ve become disappointed inwardly, due to things languishing off into the horizon that have not yet materialized but we cannot dictate our lives to God when we become crushed through life's disruptive moments. The root of the problem lies inwardly, and God desires to heal the inner soul of all mankind. His word to you is he wants to heal you from your inner wounds. He spoke this word to my heart that many of you have walked away physically

from problems but you still carry them with you deep down in the center of your soul. God specializes in revealing his faithfulness to us. It’s His perfect opportunity to reappoint our lives in a better direction and mold something out of nothing as only he can do.

Life is a series of tests and when we learn to pass those test we move to the next level God is advancing us towards. A new level, a new devil as we are constantly growing and gaining new ground. God is with you and faithful is his name. Embrace all that he has for you including those disruptive moments of trials and testing. He is proving you to see what’s in your heart. When we see our flesh react to circumstances those are the areas we need to work on. None of us know what our circumstance will hold on any given day. Satan tempts us and God will often test us to see if we will keep his commandments or not and he is right by doing so. We don’t know what we think we know until we are tested. You have what it takes or else God wouldn’t have allowed you to walk through that door of opposition. The truth is we just don’t want to have to go through

anything! Yet, in the heat of the battle and in the midst of your storm God is our strength and deliverer for without him we can do nothing on our own.

In my study on Spiritual Warfare although Satan has been disarmed and his armor taken, there is a battle still going on and we are participants in the fight. We know that Satan duplicates God but in the reverse order to cause evil and his goal ultimately, is damnation and destruction. We are in a spiritual war and consider how precious your soul must be when both God and Satan are after it. So, how can we recognize when we're operating in Witchcraft? This is a really important question for people to understand. There are different manifestations of Witchcraft. We’ll talk about the two most common forms of Witchcraft that people operate in which is Manipulation and Control. Galatians 3, and Galatians 5, mentions “The works of the flesh” and

uses the word Witchcraft, which is the Greek word for Pharmakeia. And the word pharmakeia means pharmaceuticals like drugs but it means to come under the influence of something, bewitchment, seduction and control. It is like to be inebriated or intoxicated by hypnotizing them into similar feelings. And there are people who operate in the spirit of manipulation and control and those people are in effect whether they are knowingly or unknowingly doing it, they're practicing Witchcraft. Nobody is devil proof and there are some Pastors who do this and have a spirit of control and manipulation. They want to control your life, they want to control decisions, control your choices and relationships. You can't talk to anybody without their permission, you can't go anywhere unless they consent to it. And if you don't do what they want you to do, then there are consequences.

I've seen where curses are spoken over folks, if you leave this Church or leave that fellowship God won't bless you, he won't honor you, he won't promote you and you'll always have lack and you won't be successful. My friend, when you embrace these lies you are not only bound by fear but entrapment as you just engaged and accepted their words spoken over your lives. And if you find yourself in such a state today the hand of God is able to break those curses and that yoke of bondage as you renounce by calling out these things out of your lives. God gives every man a free will, the power to choose but the enemy has twisted the things in your heart against God. Satan brings confusion, hate, lies, deception, quarreling and darkness. Yet, the only way to combat that is by speaking and believing God’s Word.

Now it gets into a little bit more subtlety than this because sometimes we may have grown up in a controlling environment. Perhaps living under controlling parents. We have received even by transference or default a spirit of control. It can be a controlling wife who her husband can't have any friends and she uses jealousy, she uses anger, she even denies him intimacy sexually. In order to control him and make him do what she wants him to do. It can be a controlling mother or mother in law, she doesn't like the relationship and she wants to be involved in everything that is discussed and done. So, this person is participating in Witchcraft but I'm going to go a little deeper. Another form of Witchcraft is seduction because the Bible says, the serpent beguile Eve through his subtlety. There is another form of manipulation which is seduction because

Witchcraft is a seducing spirit. So, when people are seducing or seductive this can be a form of Witchcraft. Most people don't even realize this but when women alter their bodies, when women dress provocatively in order to control a man. To make a man look at her, buy her gifts. This is seduction and it's interesting because this kind of Witchcraft can be cultural. Some of us were raised in an environment where women were taught to use their sexuality to get what they want from men, to get advances, promotions on their jobs, better grades in school, whatever the case may be. It's not just women but it's also men. Some men are so seductive when they speak, women are captivated by them. Now hear this, another form of Witchcraft is what we call Charismatic Witchcraft and it's when people use prayer, when they use spirituality in order to influence someone to do something outside the Will of God. I didn't even realize this until I came into ministry as Christians prey against other Christians. I tell people you need to know the difference between (P.R.A.Y.I.N.G and P.R.E.Y.I.N.G) as some people are preying on you because they are leveraging their spiritual influence against you.

Romans 16:20 KJV

"And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.”

One reason Satan’s strongholds are so powerful is because they become entrenched, and firmly established inside our lives. This happens when Satan can deceive you and get you to embrace his lie that your situation is hopeless. His goal is to get you to believe that nothing will ever change and therefore controls you by fear and shame.

Once you adopt yourself into this way of thinking your behavior starts to deteriorate as we act accordingly to what we believe. And who we are is a result of what we’ve allowed ourselves to become. The only solution is to tear down these fortresses by taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

II Corinthians 10:3-5 KJV

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

We need to renew our minds by aligning our thoughts under the rule of God’s truths and authority. The truth will set you free and you shall be free indeed!

John 8:32 KJV

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

In His Grip,

Pastor Wendy Schenkel

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