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Writer's picturePastor Wendy Schenkel

Battling Witchcraft & The Occult..

Greetings Brothers & Sisters in Christ Jesus,

Today's message is a Prophetic Word from the Lord that has been given, after a season of fasting and extended prayer, through the utterance of the Holy Spirit as we continue to combat the spirit of Witchcraft through the leadership of the Lord.

A wise mentor once said, "It isn't a shame to have a problem. The shame is knowing you have it and choosing to do nothing about it." -Pastor David Vigil, Sr.

I would first like to start off by thanking God for anointing me to minister inner healing, deliverance and hope through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to people bound and tormented by evil spirits. I give God all the Honor, Praise & Glory for the many lives He will transform and make new. I would also like to thank Him for destroying the works of Satan and his demons through the Power of the Cross and his blood that was shed at Calvary. The Lord has placed a fervent & persistent passion inside of me for ministering deliverance to the lost and those needing to be reconnected in their faith. I am excited at how the borders of God's Kingdom will be expanded to make room for those that will be healed, delivered, and set free by the hand of God.

John 8:36

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

-The area in which we are ignorant in, is the area Satan has the most advantage and control over.

-How Balaam became a witch: In the book of Numbers, the story of Balaam encompasses three full chapters (22, 23 & 24), indicating the importance of this account in the sight of God. *This should be read, reread, studied and analyzed, because therein are certain truths about the means God uses to keep us from falling into the enemy's trap.

II Peter 2:19

"For of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought to bondage."

Another translations says, "An individual is a slave to whatever masters him."

Leviticus 19:31

"Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God."

Deuteronomy 18:9-12

"When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee."

Abomination: A thing that causes disgust, and hatred. A feeling of hatred, loathing.

A Word of Caution: "These abominations curse our cities and land."

Taking an Honest and Spiritual Inventory of Yourself:

  • Overcoming your hurts, habits and hang-ups

  • What event took place inside your life that caused you pain to take matters into your own hands?

  • You find the root, it will reveal & expose the demons stronghold inside your life

  • Hosea 4:6 - "My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge."

  • Healing & Deliverance go hand in hand

  • Wounds that are left untended fester and spread infection throughout your entire body (Known Medical Fact)

  • Time only extends the pain if the problem isn't dealt with

  • Jesus Christ is our Higher Power and He can help us to change, if we first be willing

  • Realize: I'm not God. I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and that my life is unmanageable. Therefore I embrace His unconditional love, Grace and Mercy upon my life

  • Earnestly, believe that God exists, that I matter to Him, and that He has the Power to help me recover

  • Openly, examine and confess my sin to myself, God and someone trustworthy in Church leadership

  • Yield, myself to God to be used to bring His good news of Salvation to others, by example and by the words I speak

  • Revelations 12:11- "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony."

  • When God saves you from the pit, often times he'll send you back to rescue others from their pit but one must depend on the Holy Spirit

Q: Why did God allow this inside my life?

A: "I permitted it so you can understand firsthand the suffering inflicted on a person who is bewitched, a person whom a curse is placed upon."

  1. Sorcery: A type of magic in which spirits, are used to make things happen

  2. Thwarted: To prevent someone from accomplishing something

  3. Saint Simon: Spiritual realm, Lucifer

Psalm 109, King David asked God to Judge & punish his enemies who attacked him with hateful accusations. The word of the Lord today is to pray and ask the Lord for Justice against those who have done wrong against you. We do not seek revenge or retaliation and seek God for Justice as you place the situation and condition inside His hands.

4. All demons are programmed to attack and destroy

5. Declare a personal Covenant with God

6. Soothsayer: A person who's supposed to be able to foresee the future. One who pretends to "Prognosticate," future events a Witch Practitioner, if you will

II Peter 2:15

"Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness."

In this verse, Peter is criticizing false teachers who try to seduce Christians away from the truth. He compares them to Balaam, a prophet and fortune-teller who used his influence to convince Israel's enemies to use immoral sexual seduction to weaken God's people. Peter describes Balaam as loving the wages of gain that came from his wrongdoing, which many refer to the payments he received as a freelance, mercenary prophet.

7. There is safety "Only" in strict obedience to the Lord & His Word

8. Hex Signs: Placed on barns, homes and buildings by Pennsylvania Dutch farmers

9. Witchcraft Jewelry: Symbols will interfere with deliverance. Have them remove it

10. It's taught superstition protects the structures of the contents from evil misfortune

11. Fire, lightning, sickness & evil spirits = Demons of Witchcraft

12. Theosophy, Black Magic, White Magic, Satanism & The Occult

13. Objects: Owls, Frogs, 4-leaf clovers, Copper Jewelry, American Indian Turquoise Jewelry, Mood rings, rabbit foot, Horse shoes, Accumulated books on the Occult bring oppressive atmosphere in a home by just being present

14. The Powers operating in the occult realm are very real and far greater and stronger than most people realize. Any involvement in Witchcraft provokes God's anger and brings his wrath upon you

15. Things happen to God's people by being unaware: "The Perils of Witchcraft."

16. Perils: Serious & immediate danger

What to expect when casting out and praying for someone's deliverance:

  • Expect the unexpected

  • In your own ministry, your experiences will differ

Things you may encounter while ministering deliverance:

  • Hissing like a snake

  • Growling like a animal

  • Cursing

  • Coughing

  • Sobbing

  • Screaming very loudly

  • Belching

  • Spitting at you or on the floor

  • Vomit blood, saliva or mucous

Demonic spirits dwell in a very different realm than that of the physical realm. We must understand that a demon is a spirit. The Greek word for Spirit, is Pneuma. It also means "Breath."

Genesis 2:7

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

  • A person breathes through their mouth or nose. Evil spirits usually come into a person or animal through these openings. The "Holy Spirit," also comes through our mouth.

  • When evil spirits com out, there is a definite manifestation at the nose or mouth

  • Another manifestation may include supernatural strength

  • Cry and fall out on the floor

  • Acts 8:7-8 says, "For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed. And there was great joy in that city."

  • Some may shake violently and uncontrollably before & during their deliverance

Manifestations while intoxicated and under the influence:

  • The spirit of bondage enhances the effects of alcohol and drugs in manifestations

  • The person becomes immediately sober, when the spirit of bondage is cast out

  • Deal with each deliverance prayerfully, waiting on the "Holy Spirit," for discernment

Renunciation: Renounce means to call out and you call out each spirit by their name as renunciation requires action and a clean break. Listed below is an example of renunciation for each of the following circumstances:

A. Sexual addictions

B. Wrong Sexual Relationships, II Corinthians 6:14-18, This will help reinforce the renunciation in the area of sexual sin which is connected with the Spirit of Perversion

C. Occult Activity

D. Worry or anxiety, including fears

E. Repent means to turn away. Repentance requires one to be genuinely sorry, while renunciation requires action, turning from sin and dedicating oneself to change their life. First repent, then renounce.

A spirit of submission: Humility is the opposite of pride and arrogance. It is a state of the heart resulting from agape love, a love that humbles itself before others.

Renouncing the Spirit of Witchcraft and Occult Practices:

Demonic influence and the occult can come into our lives by three different avenues. First, inherited factors in our parents, grandparents or someone in close direct blood relationship with us which involves any kind of occult activity such as astrology, divination, witchcraft and occult practices. The Bible is very clear that the sins of the parents are visited on the children even to the third and fourth generation.

Exodus 34:7

"Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation."

There are many people today under heavy demonic oppression because of occult involvement thirty, fifty, eighty or more years back, their descendants are being tormented. Voodoo, is also very strong in Louisiana and other southern states. Many there have ancestors who routinely practice demon worship and those same practices were imported into our country. Therefore, many are afflicted because of inherited problems, and everyone needs deliverance in some shape or form. There may well be things hanging on which have made entrance at the time of conception and or at birth. Demons often state: "I entered the night that he was conceived. I had a right to enter because of the iniquity of a parent, grandparent or other direct ancestors." In this way the occult can fasten to a family for three or more generations and we must be aware and not ignorant of these things because of this it would be wise to check your own roots and family tree. This will alert you if someone back a few generations was directly involved in any kind of occult activity. In such a case this would have a direct bearing on you and could seriously affect your happiness and prosperity in this life, and that of your children.

A second source of occult problems arises from your own personal involvement in what God calls spiritual adultery or whoredom. By dabbling in any way, even such games as the Planchet, Ouija board, Dungeons and dragons as you have opened a door, an avenue and foothold for Satan to use for invasion of your life. If you have read horoscopes, studied occult literature, worn amulets, charms, visited a fortune-teller, sought advise or help from a spiritualist or natural healers in any form or guise: You need a deliverance as demonic entities have entered and been given access, as the enemy doesn't put warning labels on his traps.

The third source of occult bondage or oppression springs from curses, spells, hexes, and so fourth. This is not because of inheritance or involvement, but rather an invasion sent upon you by envious enemies who seek to harm and kill you. These are the three main avenues by which the occult can wreak havoc physically, emotionally an spiritually. In deliverance we must always investigate these three main areas.

Here is a list of words from scriptures in our study to prepare, knowing the definitions of a word illuminates the understanding for greater insight and revelation:

  • Accomplished: Complete, perfect

  • Accord: Agreement, harmony, to grant, settle, compose

  • Accuser: A charge, accusation

  • Adjure: To charge or bind under oath, to entreat earnestly

  • Adversary: An opponent, one who strives against us, an enemy

  • Afflictions: A cause of continued pain of body or mind

  • Bind: To tie together as with a band or cord, to constrain by moral influence

  • Burdens: Anything difficult to bear, to load, oppress or encumber

  • Ceasing: To put a stop to, discontinue

  • Contrary: Opposed, something the exact opposite of

  • Desolation: The act of laying waste, loneliness, misery

  • Devour: To consume completely, to destroy

  • Disease: Any cause for not being at ease, ailment, illness, infection, syndrome

  • Divers: Several of different kinds

  • Divination: To predict, forecast knowledge

  • Division: Part of a whole, different of opinion, battle between two visions, hindrance

  • Dumb: Lacking permanently the power of speech, mute

  • Discipline: Instruction, subjection to authority, self-control

  • Fast: To abstain from food, to deny oneself certain foods as a form of religion

  • Fetters: A chain or shackle for the feet

  • Fiery: Flaming hot, vehement, fierce, irritable

  • Glorified: To praise especially in worship, to exalt, to make eternally blessed

  • Grieved: Afflicted, to be offended, feeling grief and distress

  • Habitation: A place of abode, to dwell

  • Helmet: A defensive covering for the head (Armor of God)

  • Infirmity: Frailty, ill-health, medical condition

  • Legion: A military force of a great number, approximately 3,000 to 6,000

  • Lepers: An outcast, a person afflicted with leprosy

  • Lodge: To be stuck, wedged in one place

  • Loose: Moveable, unfastened

  • Lunatic: Insane, a mad person, spirit of insanity

  • Magnified: Exaggerated, puffed up, extravagant

  • Offences: Transgressions, sins, insults, wrong doing, displeasure

  • Oppressed: To treat severely, lie heavily on

  • Ordained: Intended, designed, predestined

  • Perfect: To finish, complete, entire without lacking

  • Perseverance: Urgency, determined

  • Perverse: Wicked, unreasonably wrong, refusing

  • Possessed: Crazed, mad, obsessed, demonized, bound

  • Preparation: Training, research, in depth study

  • Prevailed: Overcome, succeed, Triumphant

  • Principalities: The territory or dignity of a prince, sovereignty

  • Pure: Uncontaminated, clean, wholesome

  • Purpose: Object in view, aim, plan or intention

  • Quench: To extinguish, put out, hinder

  • Rebuked: To censure, reprove, reprimand

  • Scatter: To break-up, distribute

  • Shield: Anything which protects or defends

  • Shod: To be dressed with shoes

  • Sober: Serious, clear-headed

  • Sore: Painful when touched, causing pain, tender

  • Spirits: State of mind, emotions, inner health

  • Spoil: To harm character by indulgence, to decay

  • Straight: Without delay

  • Strengthen: Fortify, build-up

  • Submit: To put forward for consideration, to surrender, to yield oneself

  • Suffer: Endure, experience, ill-with

  • Supplication: Prayer request

  • Sword: Blade, weapon

  • Torment: Extreme pain of body, anguish of mind, vex, inflict pain upon

  • Vagabond: Vagrant, drifter, beggar

  • Vexed: To make angry, irritated, distress

  • Vigilant: To be watchful, alert, cautious

  • Wicked: Immoral, sinful, pure evil

  • Wiles: Trick, practice for ensnaring, alluring, to entice

  • Wither: Shrink, to dry up, fade

  • Wrath: Violent anger

  • Wrestle: Struggle, fight or brawl

  • Wrought: Shaped, fashioned, produced

  • Yoke: A wooden frame work fastened over necks of two oxen, submission

After examining your heart and you see the areas in which you fall short have a repentant heart, humble yourself and ask God for forgiveness, and guidance to help you close the doors to those wrong forming habits that you unknowingly, invited demonic influence inside your life. Start a new relationship with the Lord by praying and reading his Word. If you will do what you can, God will do in the supernatural realm the things in which you cannot do. God isn't looking for perfection as much as he is looking for obedience. You do what God is leading, "You to do," and don't concern yourself with your siblings, friends or neighbor as you're on the same journey in different paths. You keep your focus on Christ as He is the author and finisher of our faith.


"My body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed and sanctified by the Blood of Jesus. My members, the parts of my body, are instruments of righteousness, yielded to God for His service and for His glory. The devil has no place in me, no power over me, no unsettled claims against me. All has been settled by the Blood of Jesus, I overcome Satan by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony, and I love not my life unto the death. My body is for the Lord and the Lord is for my body. I decree and declare all these things in the might name of Jesus. Amen!"

In His Grip,

Pastor Wendy Schenkel

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