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“A place of Blessing”

Hello 👋😁 & Welcome!

May this word resonate deep within you as God is mindful of our purpose and he has a strategic place designed just for you. Remember, hidden under the rock 🪨 of a trial is God’s provision. For He is our safety net 🥅.

John 10:10

“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

God has a plan for each of us, but did you know that He also has a physical place for us? When God created Adam and Eve, He made a place for them in the Garden. When He established the children of Israel as a people, He gave them the Promised Land.

I believe God has a physical place for us, but to receive it we are to diligently seek Him and His way of doing things. When we seek after God, we find His wisdom, we run into His goodness, and we open the door for the kingdom of heaven to be manifested, so we can live life supernaturally.

We don't have to live like the world lives. We have a Father in heaven who is in control, and He wants us to be like Him. That's why He gave Adam dominion over all things. Then God gave him instructions on how to live in the Garden.

Everything was perfect, nothing missing, nothing broken, until Adam and Eve failed to follow the wisdom of God for their lives and disobeyed Him. As a result, they lost their Garden.

“God has a place of blessing for you as you continue to remain steadfast, seek his direction and obey his leading for your life.”

In His Grip,

Pastor Wendy Schenkel

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